This beginner's area is for anyone starting out in electronics. Learn what tools and parts you will need for starting electronics. Read beginner's articles on how to solder, how to use a multimeter and more.
A good place to start is to read the Start Electronics Now! article which is an introduction to electronics with twenty tutorials.
The Start Electronics Now tutorial introduces beginners in electronics to basic electronic tools and components needed to start learning about electronics and building circuits.
The introduction to electronics is followed by twenty tutorials that use an electronic breadboard to build various circuits. Some of the tutorials use the highly popular Arduino microcontroller board.
The Arduino tutorial for beginners introduces beginners in electronics to the Arduino open-source electronics platform that is based on easy-to-use hardware and software.
This tutorial teaches everything that absolute beginners need to know to get started with this microcontroller board and software. Use an Arduino Uno, Arduino MEGA 2560 or compatible board to follow this tutorial.
Build a Knight Rider LED chaser display using an Arduino Mega 2560. This breadboard circuit uses 24 LEDs in for the display.
This area has a selection of easy to build circuits for beginners that can be built on a breadboard.
A multimeter is a measuring instrument that anyone involved in electronics will need to use at some stage. A multimeter can be used to measure voltage, current, resistance, continuity and other parameters.
This tutorial provides a beginners introduction to using a multimeter for basic measurement.
Basic soldering for beginners in electronics. In this article, a pin header is soldered to a LCD which demonstrates how to solder a component to a PCB (printed circuit board).
This video and article show how to build a circuit on stripboard. A 555 timer IC LED flasher circuit is built on stripboard to demonstrate.