Created on: 21 July 2015
Scroll through a list of serial ports available on a PC and connect to the selected one from an application written in the Processing language (
The Processing application sketch below uses up and down buttons to scroll through the list of available serial ports. The Connect button is used to connect to the selected serial port. The Disconnect button disconnects the application from the currently open serial port. A Refresh button updates the list of serial ports and is used in case a serial device is plugged into the PC after the application was started.
This method of graphically selecting a serial port from within the Processing application window is an alternative to hard-coding the serial port number into the application.
The sketch can be used to add serial port selection capabilities to any Processing application for the purpose of communicating with serial devices such as Arduino.
The code below can be used as a starting point for any Processing application that needs the ability for the user to select the serial port to connect to.
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program: port_select Description: Allows a serial port to be selected and connected to graphically. Has the following buttons: Up - scrolls up through the serial port list Down - scrolls down through the serial port list Connect - connects to the selected serial port Disconnect - disconnects from the serial port allowing a new serial port to be connected to Refresh - refreshes the list of serial ports. Useful if a new serial device is connected to the PC after this app- lication is started Purpose: Allows the serial port to be selected within an application instead of hard-coding the port number Hardware: Can be used to connect to Arduino or other serial devices Software: Developed using Processing 2.2.1 ( Uses the Button class from: Date: 21 July 2015 Author: W.A. Smith, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import processing.serial.*; Serial serial_port = null; // the serial port // serial port buttons Button btn_serial_up; // move up through the serial port list Button btn_serial_dn; // move down through the serial port list Button btn_serial_connect; // connect to the selected serial port Button btn_serial_disconnect; // disconnect from the serial port Button btn_serial_list_refresh; // refresh the serial port list String serial_list; // list of serial ports int serial_list_index = 0; // currently selected serial port int num_serial_ports = 0; // number of serial ports in the list void setup() { // set the window size size (640, 480); // create the buttons btn_serial_up = new Button("^", 140, 10, 40, 20); btn_serial_dn = new Button("v", 140, 50, 40, 20); btn_serial_connect = new Button("Connect", 190, 10, 100, 25); btn_serial_disconnect = new Button("Disconnect", 190, 45, 100, 25); btn_serial_list_refresh = new Button("Refresh", 190, 80, 100, 25); // get the list of serial ports on the computer serial_list = Serial.list()[serial_list_index]; //println(Serial.list()); //println(Serial.list().length); // get the number of serial ports in the list num_serial_ports = Serial.list().length; } void mousePressed() { // up button clicked if (btn_serial_up.MouseIsOver()) { if (serial_list_index > 0) { // move one position up in the list of serial ports serial_list_index--; serial_list = Serial.list()[serial_list_index]; } } // down button clicked if (btn_serial_dn.MouseIsOver()) { if (serial_list_index < (num_serial_ports - 1)) { // move one position down in the list of serial ports serial_list_index++; serial_list = Serial.list()[serial_list_index]; } } // Connect button clicked if (btn_serial_connect.MouseIsOver()) { if (serial_port == null) { // connect to the selected serial port serial_port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[serial_list_index], 9600); } } // Disconnect button clicked if (btn_serial_disconnect.MouseIsOver()) { if (serial_port != null) { // disconnect from the serial port serial_port.stop(); serial_port = null; } } // Refresh button clicked if (btn_serial_list_refresh.MouseIsOver()) { // get the serial port list and length of the list serial_list = Serial.list()[serial_list_index]; num_serial_ports = Serial.list().length; } } void draw() { // draw the buttons in the application window btn_serial_up.Draw(); btn_serial_dn.Draw(); btn_serial_connect.Draw(); btn_serial_disconnect.Draw(); btn_serial_list_refresh.Draw(); // draw the text box containing the selected serial port DrawTextBox("Select Port", serial_list, 10, 10, 120, 60); } // function for drawing a text box with title and contents void DrawTextBox(String title, String str, int x, int y, int w, int h) { fill(255); rect(x, y, w, h); fill(0); textAlign(LEFT); textSize(14); text(title, x + 10, y + 10, w - 20, 20); textSize(12); text(str, x + 10, y + 40, w - 20, h - 10); } // button class used for all buttons class Button { String label; float x; // top left corner x position float y; // top left corner y position float w; // width of button float h; // height of button // constructor Button(String labelB, float xpos, float ypos, float widthB, float heightB) { label = labelB; x = xpos; y = ypos; w = widthB; h = heightB; } // draw the button in the window void Draw() { fill(218); stroke(141); rect(x, y, w, h, 10); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(0); text(label, x + (w / 2), y + (h / 2)); } // returns true if the mouse cursor is over the button boolean MouseIsOver() { if (mouseX > x && mouseX < (x + w) && mouseY > y && mouseY < (y + h)) { return true; } return false; } }
The Button class used in the above processing sketch is from the (no longer available) simple button for Processing language code blog article.
An alternative way of connecting to the serial port is to start the Processing application and then plug the serial device in. A Processing sketch can be used to find the serial port number of the newly plugged in device.