Created on: 28 May 2015
Basic Web Server Code Version 0.1
This basic Arduino web server sketch supports hosting various file types stored on an SD card. The purpose of the web server is for educational purposes and is a supplement to the Arduino Ethernet shield web server tutorial.
The web server tutorial explains several technologies and concepts that enable anyone to design a web server, but uses hard-coded web page files. This web server code shows how to handle requests for web pages with different names as well as external files such as images, CSS and JavaScript.
The web server code is commented and with an understanding of the web server tutorial, should make a good starting point for anyone wanting to make a web server that handles multiple file types. JavaScript and CSS files that were embedded in the HTML web page file can now be stored as external files and used by multiple web pages.
Example web pages and external files are available to download below and copy to an SD card.
This basic web server has the following specifications:
The web server is intended for educational purposes and does not contain any security that prevents hacking or operations that are not expected.
Files names are limited to 8.3 format – maximum file name length of eight characters; maximum file name extension of three characters.
The form below allows you to cusomize the code for your own system. Fill in the form with your parameters and then click the Generate Code button to update the code with your personal settings. The code can then be copied and pasted to the Arduino IDE.
Change these settings to suit your network and Arduino board. After making changes, click the Generate Code button to apply the changes to the Arduino sketch below. Click the Select Code button to select the code for copying.
// Basic Arduino Web Server version 0.1 // 27 May 2015 // References and further information at: // #include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h> #include <SD.h> // maximum length of file name including path #define FILE_NAME_LEN 20 // HTTP request type #define HTTP_invalid 0 #define HTTP_GET 1 #define HTTP_POST 2 // file types #define FT_HTML 0 #define FT_ICON 1 #define FT_CSS 2 #define FT_JAVASCRIPT 3 #define FT_JPG 4 #define FT_PNG 5 #define FT_GIF 6 #define FT_TEXT 7 #define FT_INVALID 8 // pin used for Ethernet chip SPI chip select #define PIN_ETH_SPI 10 // the media access control (ethernet hardware) address for the shield: const byte mac[] PROGMEM = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; //the IP address for the shield: const byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 0, 20 }; // does not work if this is put into Flash // the router's gateway address: const byte gateway[] PROGMEM = { 192, 168, 0, 1 }; // the subnet: const byte subnet[] PROGMEM = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; EthernetServer server(80); void setup() { // deselect Ethernet chip on SPI bus pinMode(PIN_ETH_SPI, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_ETH_SPI, HIGH); Serial.begin(115200); // for debugging if (!SD.begin(4)) { return; // SD card initialization failed } Ethernet.begin((uint8_t*)mac, ip, gateway, subnet); server.begin(); // start listening for clients } void loop() { // if an incoming client connects, there will be bytes available to read: EthernetClient client = server.available(); if (client) { while (client.connected()) { if (ServiceClient(&client)) { // received request from client and finished responding break; } } // while (client.connected()) delay(1); client.stop(); } // if (client) }// void loop() bool ServiceClient(EthernetClient *client) { static boolean currentLineIsBlank = true; char cl_char; File webFile; // file name from request including path + 1 of null terminator char file_name[FILE_NAME_LEN + 1] = {0}; // requested file name char http_req_type = 0; char req_file_type = FT_INVALID; const char *file_types[] = {"text/html", "image/x-icon", "text/css", "application/javascript", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "text/plain"}; static char req_line_1[40] = {0}; // stores the first line of the HTTP request static unsigned char req_line_index = 0; static bool got_line_1 = false; if (client->available()) { // client data available to read cl_char = client->read(); if ((req_line_index < 39) && (got_line_1 == false)) { if ((cl_char != '\r') && (cl_char != '\n')) { req_line_1[req_line_index] = cl_char; req_line_index++; } else { got_line_1 = true; req_line_1[39] = 0; } } if ((cl_char == '\n') && currentLineIsBlank) { // get HTTP request type, file name and file extension type index http_req_type = GetRequestedHttpResource(req_line_1, file_name, &req_file_type); if (http_req_type == HTTP_GET) { // HTTP GET request if (req_file_type < FT_INVALID) { // valid file type webFile =; // open requested file if (webFile) { // send a standard http response header client->println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")); client->print(F("Content-Type: ")); client->println(file_types[req_file_type]); client->println(F("Connection: close")); client->println(); // send web page while(webFile.available()) { int num_bytes_read; char byte_buffer[64]; // get bytes from requested file num_bytes_read =, 64); // send the file bytes to the client client->write(byte_buffer, num_bytes_read); } webFile.close(); } else { // failed to open file } } else { // invalid file type } } else if (http_req_type == HTTP_POST) { // a POST HTTP request was received } else { // unsupported HTTP request received } req_line_1[0] = 0; req_line_index = 0; got_line_1 = false; // finished sending response and web page return 1; } if (cl_char == '\n') { currentLineIsBlank = true; } else if (cl_char != '\r') { currentLineIsBlank = false; } } // if (client.available()) return 0; } // extract file name from first line of HTTP request char GetRequestedHttpResource(char *req_line, char *file_name, char *file_type) { char request_type = HTTP_invalid; // 1 = GET, 2 = POST. 0 = invalid char *str_token; *file_type = FT_INVALID; str_token = strtok(req_line, " "); // get the request type if (strcmp(str_token, "GET") == 0) { request_type = HTTP_GET; str_token = strtok(NULL, " "); // get the file name if (strcmp(str_token, "/") == 0) { strcpy(file_name, "index.htm"); *file_type = FT_HTML; } else if (strlen(str_token) <= FILE_NAME_LEN) { // file name is within allowed length strcpy(file_name, str_token); // get the file extension str_token = strtok(str_token, "."); str_token = strtok(NULL, "."); if (strcmp(str_token, "htm") == 0) {*file_type = 0;} else if (strcmp(str_token, "ico") == 0) {*file_type = 1;} else if (strcmp(str_token, "css") == 0) {*file_type = 2;} else if (strcmp(str_token, "js") == 0) {*file_type = 3;} else if (strcmp(str_token, "jpg") == 0) {*file_type = 4;} else if (strcmp(str_token, "png") == 0) {*file_type = 5;} else if (strcmp(str_token, "gif") == 0) {*file_type = 6;} else if (strcmp(str_token, "txt") == 0) {*file_type = 7;} else {*file_type = 8;} } else { // file name too long } } else if (strcmp(str_token, "POST") == 0) { request_type = HTTP_POST; } return request_type; }
These sample files can be copied to the SD card to demonstrate use of the supported file types:
Download the files: (101.3 kB)
The files have the following purpose:
Arduino web server example WebServer. Code can be found in the Arduino IDE under File → Examples → Ethernet → WebServer
Arduino Ethernet Library Reference.
Arduino SD Library Reference and examples from the IDE found under File → Examples → SD
Arduino Ethernet shield web server tutorial – explains web and web server technology in a series of tutorials.
Programming and using an Arduino Ethernet board – an Arduino Ethernet board is like an Arduino Uno, but has built in Ethernet and no USB port.
Connecting and testing an Arduino Ethernet shield – how to test an Arduino Ethernet shield or other Arduino Ethernet enabled board.
Testing an Arduino Ethernet shield SD card – testing the SD card socket on an Arduino Ethernet shield or other Arduino board that has an SD card.
WebServerST – web server by SurferTim.
More information and discussion at the Arduino forum.